Friday, April 29, 2011

The Most Important Fur Trading Company!

I think that the most important fur trading company is the Hudson Bay Company. My reasons for thinking this is because it was the largest out of the companies. Also, Fort Vancouver was most active, successful, and important to the community in the Oregon country. The leader of the company was a source of economic aid and legal advice for the arrival of the settlers in the Oregon country.
image via wiki

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Creative Breif

The name of mine and Marisa advertising agency is GM Advertisement. Our goal is to get Great Britain to come to Washington state. Our creative slogan is "just steal it!". The show our presentation we made a animoto which is series of pictures, text, and music put together to make a short video. the picture below is our logo from

Friday, April 8, 2011

What Where They Looking For?

What where Spain, Great Britain, U.S., and Russia are all looking for the North West Passage. Great Britain's main goal was the find the North Weest Passage they did not have any ed other main goals. Spain's wanted to find gold, the North west Passage, and control over the Natives. Russia he wanted land mostly. The U.S wanted to Find the North West Passage, control over the rivers, and the Louisiana purchase.