Wednesday, March 23, 2011

What Where Russia, Great Britian, Spain, and U.S.A?

            Russia, Great Britain, Spain, and U.S where all looking for the Northh West Passage. The where looking for the North West Passage because they where looking for shorter trips to other countries. There where going to these countries so they could trade there goods for better deals than there where getting in there own countries.  The image bellow shows the north west passage.

 image from:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Which Tribe Would I Be In?

      I would be in the Coastal tribe because you wouldn't have to walk miles like the Plataea tribe because they followed there food. They have better houses called long houses because they stay in one spot at a time unlike the Plataea that lived in ti pees. Also, the coastal tribe was better fed by the ocean because the don't have to hunt for there food and get food year round from the ocean.
File:Sitka Alaska Tribe Seal (2245005222).jpgImage from

Friday, March 4, 2011

Migration of Native Americans

             The three most plausible reasons that the Native Americans crossed the Bering straight is the ice bridge, land bridge, Continental shelf. The ice bridge is when the water froze and the Native Americans just walked across. The land bridge is where the ocean level dropped 300ft because the glaciers where freezing up all the water then they walked across. The Continental Shelf is basically the same thing as the land bridge except less of the water froze. Personally I believe in the land bridge Theory because it seems the most plausible to me because it would be very easy to walk across the land after it froze.

 picture from: